
Showing posts from April, 2023

Abbas mastan twist

 suddenly one of the key role in the movie...hero/heroine's relative or a key witness in a key court case gets into an ambassador car saying goodbye to all...he sits in it and seems very happy...then there is a lorry (truck but lorry sounds more ominous) carrying sand or concrete or iron rods which is coming in the opposite direction. Wth a loud noise...the director shows the ambassador car and the happy protogonist for 2 secs with pleasant music...then the lorry driver with the steering listening to loud noisy person in the car...old, rusted wheels of the and the ambassador car...there is a bolt on the wheel's supporting rod that loosens...driver listening to loud loosening...wheels...truck...truck it...then the operation theatrer and the red bulb... we all know there is going to be an accident the movement these two are shown in the 70s-80s and early 90s movies in the 70mm theat